A Knife in the Dark (REDO)

I'm going back and giving A Knife in the Dark a plot. Think of the chapters as short parts.

A Knife in the Dark
Chapter I, Sean
Two of a Kind
I am sitting on my bed. It is a cold winter night. My name is Sean. No one can understand what's happening to me. I get these headaches, I am having one right now. The sharp pain starts at the back of my neck, and goes to both sides of my head. Small flashes of light start to come from my eyes. My body freezes, as if a plug has been pulled from my mind. The pain increases, and I pass out.
I wake up on my bed, with a cup of milk on the bedside table. I reach out for the glass, I feel like I haven't drank anything in days. But before I can grab it, a hand pushes it away.
"No, you can't have some. Thanks for asking." My older sister says.
"Lucy, please." I say. She rolls her eyes.
"Fine." She gives me the glass, but I almost drop it. Lucy grabs it right before it hits the ground.
"Not surprised. You were out for weeks. I'll get you something better for your throat." Until Lucy said something, I didn't realize that my throat hurt.
"Thanks." I choke. Lucy smiles, then leaves with the milk. Lucy is only older by a year, sometimes it's like we're twins. We look the same. People even think we are. 
Lucy comes back with some water. A glass for me, and a glass for herself.
"How bad was it this time?" She asked handing me the water.
"Bad. I don't know how to describe it." I say holding the glass tightly. I take a sip, it helps a little. My head starts to spin.
"Lu-" I start, but I can't finish.

So, I Haven't Posted Much...

Don't say it,  "Zay, you haven't posted in so long! Could that really be you?" Yeah, that. I know I know. So to make up for it, I made a the beginning of something that doesn't have a name yet. If you don't know what Vocaloids, or Utauloids, are look them up. If you have a name for this one, let me know. Oh, and please tell me if my Japanese is wrong!

My friends Kuro Neko, Neru, Gumi, Teto and I were at school with my twin Rin as well. Any time we had free, we would spend it with each other. We have a lot of time together because of the way our school works. Right now, we are on brake. Kuro comes up to me with a note.
"Hello, Len. Still alone I see? Want some company?" She says trying to hide the note from me.
"What you got there?" I say pointing to the note.
"Nothing. What's up?" I can always tell when Kuro is lying. You can see it in her body movements. She moves a little away from you in her leg that's next, or in front, of you. Her right leg is a little far away from me right now.
"Kuro, what is it?" I say one last time. She sighs.
"It is a note from Mrs. Hatsune. She says she wants to see me after school." Rin sneaks up behind Kuro.
"Again!" Yells Rin. Kuro let's out a small scream, then turns around and yells at her in Japanese for about a minute.
" あなたは少しバカ!私はあなたを殺すつもりだ!さらに良いことに、私はそれを行うには、LENを買ってあげる!私はこのために我慢できないだろう!私は、RINあなたがそんなに嫌い!"
"You done now?" Says Neru as she walks up behind me, Teto at her side. Kuro takes a deep breath.
" はい ." She crinkles up the note and throws it in the trash. Rin walks away mumbling to herself about how she is going to get Kuro for making her mad. Teto is quiet most of the time, so she walked off with Kuro trying to calm her down a little. That left me, and Neru. Great. Neru pinches my shoulder. I turn around slowly. I really, really, don't want to talk to her.
"Yes. What is it?" I say trying not to sound angry.

A Knife in the Dark part 20.5

20.5 Luke. 

Last Time: “If you touch her, I will kill you,” I say gripping my knife.  Alice puts her hand on my shoulder. I grab it, and twist her arm. I put my rusty knife to her neck.
 “And don't touch me either.”

“Luke, let me go.” Says Alice. I twist her arm more. 
“If you know anything about me, you would not play with my hart.” She vanishes into the air. Leaving me holding nothing. I close me hand. I start to cry. 
“I miss you too Clare.” I say to myself, knowing I can never see her again. I sit back down in Leann's old char. I let my knife fall to the ground, putting my head in my hands and crying. I remember when she would hit me on the shoulder. When she would slap me, then kiss me. When I would just sit there and look into her brown eyes. She would laugh and hug me. When she would beat me with just her hands against my sword. Sometimes I wish I could've stopped Leann. If I had been there, could I have saved her? Or would I be dead too. 
I take my knife and put it to the side of my head. 
“If I push, will I be with you? If I let life go, could I hold your hand again?” I say. “No, I would be gone. I could still find you. You could've lived. That's silly, not even you could live through that. If only I could have stopped Leann.” I drop my knife. 
I pack up my things and go to find Sean. He may want to kill me, but maybe he can help me. 
When I find him, I see Alice. She quickly jumps away from me. 
“What do you want? Do you wish to kill me?” She says. Sean looks dead at her feet. 
“Is he dead?” I ask her. 
“What? Oh, Sean. No, just, overwhelmed.” She says. 
“I need his help.” 
“Sorry, he won't help you. And either will I.”
“Please. I beg you.”
“You're on your own.” She says and picks up Sean on her shoulders. They vanish. 
A little bit later, I come across a mention. It's white walls make it look like a castle. It is at the top a of mountain. I sigh and start up the mountain.

An Excerpt

(If you read Pickle And Potato, you've already seen some of this. But you probably don't. It's from my NaNoWriMo for this year)

Lilith stood outside the Cohen’s garage. She fiddled with the strap on her cello case awkwardly. Inside she could hear Nicki and Symon making indistinguishable noises. She wasn’t sure if they were shouting at each other, or making out. Either way, she didn’t really need to be a part of the conversation. She walked over to the front door and knocked.
Alex opened the door. 
“Don’t you just go right into the garage?” he asked perplexed.
“The polite thing to say is ‘Hello Lilith, please come in.’”
“Hello Lilith, please come inside. Don’t you usually just go right into the garage?”
“Yep,” she said walking in.

She made her way to the kitchen, and sat down at the center island on a barstool. Alex pulled two sodas out of the fridge, and handed one to Lilith. She was pleased to see that it was root beer, not ginger ale. 
“Sorry we don’t have anything caffeinated. My parents are convinced it’s bad for you.”
“No worries. As long as it isn’t organic.”
He cleared his throat. “So… why are you not making my house shake with indie rock?”
She took a sip of her delicious sugary carbonated goodness. “I have reason to believe that my bandmates are either breaking up, or something completely different. I don’t know which I’d like less.”
Alex shuddered. “I definitely don’t want to interrupt them either…”
“Yeah, no.” 

He took a swig of his root beer. “So how are you Lilith Mei Sun?”
She wrinkled her nose. “Not the full name Alexander.”
“Why not? It is just a name…”
“I’m just not fond of my middle name. That’s all.”
“Ooh. I do love reading to deeply into things.” He rubbed his hands together and arched an eyebrow.  “Tell me more.”
“Come on Lilith! What’s so bad about Mei? It’s not even two syllables.”
“I don’t think the meaning fits. That’s all.”
“I don’t speak Chinese. Tell me.”
“I don’t speak Chinese either…”
“But you know what Mei means. You admitted it yourself.”
“I have to tell you now, don’t I?”
“Yep.” He smiled smugly.

She sighed. “It means beautiful.”
“Are you telling me that Lilith Mei Sun-“ she glared at him. “Fine. Lilith Sun doesn’t think she’s beautiful?”
“Sounds about right.”
“This is a tragedy!” he pounded his fist against the counter island emphatically. “You are stunning. And I mean that in the least creepy friend of older sister’s way as possible.” She laughed. 
“Thanks Alex. You can’t change the way I see myself though. Only I can do that.” 
He smiled almost sadly. “That had better happen soon.”
Lilith shrugged. “I expect I’ll learn self respect when I leave the torments of high school.”
“I’ve often wondered why you aren’t homeschooled like Valerie,” he said. It wasn’t a question, so much as an invitation. She realized that he’d probably phrased it like that on purpose, so she wouldn’t feel obligated to answer. He really was a sweet guy.
“I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. School is boring, but I like the people. Well, a small fraction of them that is mostly made up of teachers.”
He burst out laughing. “I feel exactly the same way.” He grinned at her. “Let’s stay within the same factions.”
“Sounds good to me.”

“So now I’m curious about the rest of your name, and Valerie’s too.”
“Really?” Lilith sighed. “When I came to band practice today, I wasn’t exactly thinking, ‘I’m going to sit down and have a long conversation about my parents’ naming choices with Alex!’”
“Life is full of unexpected surprises. Make yourself some lemonade.”
“That isn’t how that goes…”
He shrugged his shoulders. “You have a punk band and black hair, I have badly combined idioms and a red shirt.”
She snorted. “Are you telling me you’re expendable?” 
“No, I’m the captain. We can be in The Next Generation. But that’s besides the point. You’re parents are weird. I’m sure there’s reasons and meanings to your names.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. He grinned. “I knew I was right.”
Lilith made a growling hissing noise like a feral dog. Or a giant spider. “Fine. But I want you to know that I hate you.”
“I know.” 

“So you know that Valerie and I both have Chinese middle names, because, well,  heritage!” She waved her arms in the air with sarcastic eyes. “And you know that Mei means beautiful. Or plum. So let’s finish my name first.”

He gave a thumbs up. “Lilith is a really fun name. It’s Hebrew in case you care about that sort of thing, It has two meanings and a Jewish folklore reference. Lilith in Jewish folklore was a demon who was Adam’s first wife. So, yay? Then is the meaning ‘storm goddess,’ which is fun I guess. But my favorite is ‘night monster.’”
“I’ll have to start calling you that. It suits you.”
“Shut up.” She have a small cough. “Anyway, Valerie’s name is way less interesting than your friendly neighborhood Beautiful Night Monster. Although, it does mean the same goody two shoes ‘brave,’ in like, three languages. And Lian means Daughter of the Sun.”
“That’s kind of hilarious,” he said. 
“What? That her name is Brave Daughter of the Sun Sun?”
“No. Well yes, but I was thinking more that you’re the Night Monster, and Valerie’s the Daughter of the Sun. It’s pretty cool.”
“Eh. I guess so. Valerie isn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows though.”
“No, I guess not. Well, I mean sometimes. But really I think she’s more complicated.”
“I think we all are more complex than the shiny little boxes people stuff us into.”
“Yeah.” He took another sip of his root beer. Lilith looked at him. She tried to see what was shoved inside the shiny little box labelled “Sensitive Nerd,” but Alex would have to open the lid for her first.

A Knife in the Dark part 20

20 Luke

My left arm was on the table. My right arm hung by my side, a knife in my hand. I take the knife, and stab it into my leg. I scream. A needle is put into my left arm. My screams get louder. The injection starts. A green mixture is pumped into my arm. I try not to look. I take the knife and twist it in my leg. The pain so overwhelming, I pass out.
When I wake up, the needle was still in my arm, the knife in my thigh, and my throat hurt from screaming so much. I take out the knife, trying not to think about the pain. Then, I slowly take out the needle. Drinking a glass of water, I look around. It was no longer daytime.
“Hello?” Someone says as they walk in. “Anyone here?”
“Yes.” I say, and they jump back.
“You scared me!” The girl sees my equipment: a rusty knife, an old needle, a now empty bottle. She screams. I bet I didn't look too good either. I hadn't cut my black hair in moths. I am sure that I have marks under my green eyes from not sleeping. Than there was my scars. Cuts all over my pale body. Some open, others healing. I am covered in blood. I sigh.
“I guess this looks bad. I guess I look bad.” I say and she nods.
“Umm, you, uh, you live here?” She says.
“No. My sister did, before she died.” I say.
“So, now you, umm, kill people in here?”
“What? No! No, I do not kill people. God, sorry. I see how you could think that. No, I, uh, work here.” I say.
“What kind of work do you do? Kill people?” She says.
“No! Ugh. I-I don't know. I mean, I know. I just can't tell you.”
“Right, umm, names? What's your name?” I thought for a moment. It has been so long, I couldn't remember my name.
“It's-it's Luke. My name is Luke.”
“I'm Alice.” She moved closer to me, slowly. Alice put out her hand to shake mine. My hand was bloody, and shaking, but I shook her hand.
“Umm, why are you here?” I ask.
“Oh, I was, uh, looking for you.” I laughed, then I relies that she was telling the truth.
“Really? You're kindling, right?” She shook her head.
“Luke, 329. Rightful ruler of the contest.” She says.
“I'm not the rightful ruler of anything.” I say.
“Your sister dead, you are next in line.”
“Yeah, well, I don't want to be in, or near the contest again. Let alone, rule it.” I say.
“Luke, your friends need you.” She says.
“What friends? I don't have any.”
“What about Clare.” I freeze.
“I-I don't know who you're talking about. I have never met a Clare.” I turn away from Alice.
“Oh, well, she said she misses Luke. She must have been thinking of some other Luke.” I tighten up. If she has found Clare…
“If you touch her, I will kill you,” I say gripping my knife. Alice puts her hand on my shoulder. I grab it, and twist her arm. I put my rusty knife to her neck.
“And don't touch me either.”

Tea Sloshing

“Stop sloshing your tea around in that infernal manner, Thomas. It’s not polite.” Thomas looked up at his Aunt through heavy lidded eyes and slowly sloshed his tea once more before swallowing it. My aunt, he thought contemplatively, putting his cup of tea down to study his red faced aunt, is so awfully fat. It must be because she swallows her tea like a pig. Much to fast.

The said Aunt meanwhile, was fidgeting in the train seat across from Thomas. She was an extremely sensible lady, who always drank her tea with disciplined fervor, and never enjoyed the way her ten year old nephew looked at her, like he was reaching into her soul with his eyes.

“’tain’t polite to look at people thataways, Thomas.” She told him constantly; He never listened. “Aunt Polly,” Thomas said in a deliberate manner, “I must tell you, there is a very important reason for my “tea sloshing”,” tea sloshing was said with definite quotes, “You probably never knew it, but tea has a multitude of flavors, and in order to enjoy the flavors to the fullest you must let it slosh back and forth, back and forth (said gently) in your mouth.” He looked passively at his wide-eyed aunt who was staring at him with her flabby mouth moving but no sound emitting from it, then picked up his cup and took a deliberate sip, making sure to slosh the tea around for demonstration.

Now that I’ve helped her, I’m sure she won’t be fat anymore, Thomas thought contentedly. He looked out the window at the rolling hills, I’m awful glad I’ve helped my Aunt out so much, but I think I shall be glad to be home again.

Mother’s tea has such better flavor.


Hello fellow people stuck in cyberspace,
Most of you won't know me. I'm Rebekah. This is my first post ever. I have been trying to get something up forever, but finally I just gave up trying to get something really good up. This is a weird little thing I wrote, and you must read it with a british accent. ;)
I hope you enjoyed.

A Knife in the Dark Parts 18-19

18 Eli

Being dead is like being asleep but you don't wake up from a bad nightmare. I don't recommend it. Kate said once that Jon was her never ending nightmare. I hope it's not true. Lucy makes me sad. When I look at her, I can only think of all the bad things in her life. We know who The Four will be because we found a page of a book that was ripped out. It read: The Four shall go to seek out our queen, to kill her. A smoke can't burn without fire. You can't save without something to die. You can't runaway from yourself. You can't live without water.
That was all it said. The page had been ripped in half. The first part was the part that scared me. If I am the smoke, what is my fire?
I woke up with Kate still asleep on top of me. Her head on my chest.
“Uh, Kate?” I said and she groaned. “Can you get off of me please? I would like to get up.”
“Yeah, okay.” She yawned, and sat up. She opened her eyes. Her black hair had a red streak in it. Not intentionally, it just did. She had blue eye unlike her brother. Her black tank top was tattered. With her hair tied up, you could see the scar on her neck. Her neck had been burned and frozen at the same time by the touch of the ghost queen. Back in Toro, my home town, Kate was the first girl I met besides my mom. With all the things that happened, I'm glad I met her at that river.
Lucy started to wake up. Her pin strait hair knotted from a bad nights sleep. She may look just like her brother, but their nothing alike. He is strong and she is soft all the way through. When he is standing tall, she is falling. Sean came in carrying Annabella.
“Oh my god. What happened to her?” I asked.
“I don't know what Leann did to her, but she needs help. Now.” Sean said as he put Annabella down. Kate ran over and put her hand on Anna's forehead.
“She's cold.” She said. “What did you do to her Sean.”
“What? You're blaming me for this?” He replied. “You think I wanted her to get hurt? She might die, and you think it was me?”
“Sean, she has a cut on her arm. Leann goes for the neck, not the arm. This was you.”
“I killed Leann, Kate!” Sean yelled. He held out his hand. It was bleeding black.
“Sean, what happened to your hand?” I asked.
“I grabbed a broken sword. Then I stabbed Leann in the back, you're welcome.” Annabella gasped for air. Her gray eyes didn't open, but she was still alive.
“First we need to help Anna, then we can argue. Okay?” I said. Sean and Kate nodded at the same time.
“I think I can help. After all, it was my sister that did this to you.” Said a man in the corner. He had bright green eyes but his black shaggy hair was making it hard to see his face. He was dressed in all black. A sword at his side, he was the kind of guy I try to avoid. His smile was sad, and the way he held his body, he felt a lot of gilt for something. I tried not to think of what he was guilty about. It only scared me more. He stepped foreword, but Sean held him back.
“Don't you think you've done enough!” Sean yelled.
“I only want to help!” Replied the guy.
“You're a killer!”
“That was six years ago, Sean! Let it go! Besides, you are the one that killed her.” I swore that this man was about to cry. I all most felt bad for him, but Sean apparently didn't.
“I don't care, just stay away from Anna. Next time I see you ‘helping her’, I'm going to kill you! Got that?!” The man burst into mist, and vanished.

19 Sean

Sean was standing in his room back in Saré. His short sword was on his bed, right where he left it. He reached out to grab it. He hadn't seen it for two years, the day of the prank. He sheathed it. Sean looked around his room. It was the same as the day he met Lucy. He picked up a picture from when he was little. His blue eyes were sparkling as his mom was taking the picture. His hair was cut short. Sean felt his hair, it had been so long ago. His hair was now to the middle of his ear. Without thinking, he grabbed the knife on his desk; he cut his hair. Blond hair all over the ground. He sighed.
“Sad?” Sean turned around and grabbed his short sword. A girl with white hair and pale skin was sitting on his bed.
“Who the hell are you?!” The girl stepped back in shock. She looked into his eyes and relaxed a little.
“It is nice to see that you have improved over the last six months. I've been watching you, Saver.”
“You know… you know who I am?” Replied Sean, his sword still pointed at her.
“I know you better then you know yourself. That's why I took you back here. I know you have a connection with it.”
“You're not from this time, Sean. Your sister, on the other hand, is. I don't know how, but you're covered in time energy.”
“And how do you know this?”
“Because I knew you. Y-you were my boyfriend. You just disappeared when we were 16.” Sean dropped his sword and fell to his knees. He held his head in his hands. He screamed. A sharp pain had found its way into his head.
“Yes, it's me.”
“Alice, help me! Their screams won't stop!”
“What can I do for you?”
“Save me, Alice.” She helped him up. He leaned on her. “Help me back to my friends?” She nodded, and he passed out.
The first time he woke up, with Eli looking down at him.
“He's starting to wake up!” He yelled to his friends. Lucy ran over and smiled at him. Then he blacked out again. The next time he woke up, Alice sitting next to him. She was looking at him, her eyes full of pain. She saw that he was awake and she smiled. She helped him sit up.
“How do you feel?” She asked.
“My head hurts,” He replied. “Ugh, what happened to me?”
“You passed out, so I took you and your friends to Rose. She help with your head. Your friend Annabella was vary scared for you.”
“Yeah, um, about that. She is kind of my girlfriend. I didn't know that I was from the past. I didn't know about you.”
“I know, she told me all about it.” She kissed him and left. Sean sighed. He finally gets a girlfriend, and then he is a time traveler? Now that's not fair. Rose walked into the little room he was in.
“I don't know who you are, but if you do anything that might hurt my sister, I will stab you in hart with your own sword. Got that?” Said Rose. Sean nodded.
“I'm not afraid of you.” He replied.
“You should be.” Her eyes showed him his reflection. He looked awful. He thought about that picture in his room. He doesn't look like that anymore. He wondered what he had looked like when he was 16. He guessed that only Alice knew.
“Why? I don't have any resin to. I am not afraid of you.”
“I don't know what she sees in you. Whatever it is, I don't see it.” She turned around and left.
It was a long time before Sean could walk again. Kate came to see him sometimes, the only person that came every day was Rose. She would help him to recover from his own past. Sometimes Anna or Eli would come to check on him. He never saw Alice again.
When Sean could stand up again, Rose showed him where he was. He was in a huge house. Rose said that it was hers. She said she and Anna lived here when they were younger. He wondered how old they were here. I big house would have scared Lucy.
“Where's Lucy? I haven't seen her for a long time.” He asked Rose. She frowned.
“Who is Lucy?” Rose replied.
“She's my twin.” Rose shrugged.
“Never met her.”
“Yes you have, she was with Alice.” They heard a scream coming from outside. Sean started to run to them, but Rose held him back.
“You stay back, I don't want you to get in my way.” She ran off.

A Blood Red Sly. Part Eight.


After my mom's funeral, I found myself sitting with Dell on the beach. I was wearing an odd looking hat like I usually did and she said “I haven't seen any Dragons.”

“Me neither.” I said. I was looking at the clouds and she said “Where do you think they went?”

I looked at the sky for a moment before responding “I don't know.”

“Do you think they'll ever come back?” she asked.

“Probably, someday. I'm not the first Magistra Sanguis. And I'm probably not the last one.” I said.

“If they do come back, will you fight them again?” Dell asked. I closed my eyes and said “No. What happened, happened. There's no point in pretending that I still hate them, but so long as they don't bother me, I won't bother them. I see no reason to. The Queen wanted me to kill them for her. She can do it herself if she likes. I don't care anymore.”

Dell didn't ask anymore questions, but I didn't think we would ever stop talking about the Dragons.

“Rebecca!” I heard someone call. I opened my eyes and sat up. I turned and saw Hope walking towards us. Dell sat up too and Hope came and sat next to us.

“Pretty day, isn't it?” Hope asked. I nodded and she said “Are you okay, Becca?”

I looked out at the horizon. I had never really taken the time to really look at it before. It was quite peaceful now that I looked at it.

“Yes.” I replied. “I am okay. The Dragons are gone, the Fairies are leaving me alone, and I'm no longer Magistra Sanguis.”

“That's not what I meant.” Hope said. I sighed and said “I know. I miss my mom. But she was sick for a very long time. She wasn't poisoned. The berry doesn't kill you that way. It was cancer all the way.”

Hope said nothing. She looked at the sky and said “Thank you, Rebecca Jones.”

“What?” I asked. Hope smiled and said “You helped me remember. When I was little, I used to see Dragons too. I even had a friend. I called him Chamon, because he coughed all the time and that's what it sounded like. But I grew up and they faded. When you killed the Dragon when I first met you, they started to come back for me. I saw them again every so often and when yo gave me that potion, I could see their whole world again. It's why I believed you. Why I love you now. When you drew the Dragons, I remembered more and more.”

I turned and stared at her. I blinked and said “Why didn't you tell me before?”

“Because...” she stopped and looked at the horizon like I had. “Because I was scared, Rebecca. I'm not as brave as you. I hoped it wasn't real and I blocked it out. But not you. You're a warrior. A fighter.” she then looked at me and said “It's not over, Rebecca. It never is. You both have to keep an eye out. The Fairies do not make good enemies. They don't give up, and they're bloodthirsty beasts. Don't trust them, for they are liars.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“The Queen kept secrets from you, Rebecca. When has she ever showed you true kindness?” Hope asked.

“How do you know about the secrets?” I asked.

“Because,” said Hope, “I was once a Hera Sanguis.”

“Majesty?” Relicta said as she crept up to the Queen. The Queen turned, fangs bared. She was no longer the beautiful Fairy that Rebecca Jones had met. Her hair and lips were pitch black and her skin was white as paper.

“That is it, Relicta?” she snarled.

“What will become of Rebecca Jones?” the young Fairy asked. The Queen laughed and said “If she's smart, she'll stay out of the way. But if she's stupid like Hope Gray, then she shall die, just like Hope Gray will.”

“I liked Hope.” mumbled Relicta, her skin turning white and her red eyes facing the ground.

“Silence, Relicta. You like all the Magistra Sanguis.” said the Queen harshly. “You even likes the Magister Sanguis.”

Relicta did not reply. She was in her true form now, with black hair, black lips, red, catlike eyes, fangs, white skin, and long black nails.

Soon, Relicta, we shall either be allied with the Mortals, or declare war on them with the Draconum.” the Queen said. “For I am Queen Tenebra of the Darkness, Obscurity, Night, and Concealment.”

“Not to mention Ignorance.” muttered Relicta.

The Queen turned and said “You forget my last name, Inmisericors.” she smiled coldly and said “Merciless, Pitiless, Remourless, Relentless.”

Relicta screamed in pain and then Queen walked up to her. “Though, you were a useful servant.” and then Relicta was no more.

But from the door, a Fairy watched. She looked downwards and then looked back at her Queen. One thought ran through her mind. Traitor.


Ruby (Part One)

She was called Ruby when I met her for the first time. Ruby Isabelle Clay. She had short red hair in a bob. She nearly ran into me while I was shelving books. She really liked to talk.

Her parents had died when she was just a little kid, and she'd been raised by her grandfather, a painter in Connecticut. He taught Ruby how to see the beauty in life, and the art in nature.
She'd live with him until three years ago, when she was nineteen and set out for New York, to prove herself.

She was writing a biography. "About whom?" I asked her.
"About the people who live here."

She wanted to interview me. I told her I wasn't especially interesting. Ruby said that was utter nonsense.
"There's no such thing as a not especially interesting person. And there's definitely no boring twenty something male librarians with stunning eyes.”

"Fine," I agreed begrudgingly. Ruby smiled.
"Excellent. But I won't interview you in the middle of the adult nonfiction section. Meet me tonight at seven at the Starry Night Café."
She ran off before I could tell her I didn't get off work until eight.

I managed to get out early by trading off with one of the other librarians, and made it to the Starry Night Café just after seven. As soon as I stepped in, I felt like I had stepped into one of those cafes beatniks used to hang out in.

Ruby was sitting with her notebook and pencil at a table near the window. She was drinking something in a mug. She waved me over.
“I hope you don’t mind, I got you a coffee. I figured you might need it after a long day of shelving travel guides and celebrity biographies.”
She handed me a mug, and I took it gratefully. 

“Okay, let’s get down to business,” she said scooting her chair closer to the table, and flicking a switch on her tape recorder. “Tell me everything Peter Phillips.”

Tales of Lauren Mind Games

In the middle of September, a girl was eating a cake. It was her birthday, so her older brother stole her one. It was a yellow cake with chocolate frosting, her favorite. It wasn't much, but for a couple of runaways, it was the best birthday gift she could ask for. Her brother had stolen it from a Dairy Queen. She would always remember her 10th birthday.
Lauren woke up at five every day. She would get up, eat some cereal, take a shower, then brush her teeth. When she was done, it would be about 6:30. Then she would go next door to see her brother, Jake, and his friends Colin and Tom. But today didn't go like that. She woke up at 5:36 setting her hole day off. First, she was late to meet her brother so he sent Colin to go into her room. She was still brushing her teeth when Colin walked in. He was so quiet that she didn't relies that he was there until he said something.
“Hello? Lauren?” He said. She jumped back in surprise.
“Oh, sorry. Did I scare you?” She nodded. To wasn't every day the boy you have a crush on walks in on you brushing you teeth. Then again, he wasn't anyone that would say anything about it.

The Boy of Dark and Light

A boy sat in the corner of a classroom. His deep brown eyes focused on a empty desk. His mind was never in one place. His teacher was talking about art, nothing he cared about. The girl in front of him was taking notes, about the boy in the seat next to her. He sighed quietly. He looked around once more, taking into account all the changes in the shadows. A girl at the front of the room moved her head a little, but her shadow didn't move with it. His powers have been getting stronger. After class it was lunch time.
“Colin!” He stopped in his tracks. No one ever called his name. Colin turned around slowly. A boy about his age. Black hair, blue eyes, vary pale.
“You are Colin right?” He asked.
“Yes. Why?” He replied.
“The names Jake.” Said the boy called Jake. “I was told you were the new kid.” Colin nodded. He turned back to his meal. Rotten apples, yum. Jake sat down next to him, and Colin sighed.
“You're not going to leave me alone are you.” Said Colin. Jake shook his head. Goody, thought Colin, I guess I'm stuck with him then.
“So, if you're not going to leave, what do you want?” Asked Colin.
“Is this where I suppose I should say world peace?” Colin put his head in his hands. He thought about Liz. What she would say to him. All the things she told him about controlling his anger. He took a deep breath, and all the light in the room disappeared. A girl at one of the tables opened her palm and made fire. It was enough light to get everyone out of the cafeteria. A boy named Tom with shaggy brown hair ran up to Jake.
“Are you alright? All the lights went out!” Said the Tom.
“We know, we were there.” Said Colin. The boy looked older than them, but not by much. He looked shocked to see that someone was there, they always were. Shortly fallowing the boy, came a girl. Her short black hair was cut to look like a comic book character. Blue eyes that looked like the sky. And with her makeup, and punk cloths, she was the most beautiful girl at school. Yeah, even Colin knew who she was. Her name was Lauren. She never got a grade above B, usually C, and she was Jake's sister. Also Tom's crush.
“Tom, calm down.” Said Lauren. Tom looked down at Lauren's boots, combat boots, and smiled.
“You love those ones.” He said. She smiled, and looked over to Colin. Her blue eyes froze for a moment on him, then went back to Tom. Maybe it was his imagination, but he saw sympathy in her eyes. She turned to her brother. Jake had been standing there the hole time not saying anything, not like him.
“Why do quiet?” she asked.
“Nothing. You seem to be sad.” Jake said. She smiled, but it looked fake.
“I'm fine. It's just,” she looked down.
“Just what?” Asked Colin.
“Burning light.” she muttered. The sound of that sent a chill down Colin's back. Colin spotted the girl that had helped everyone out with her fire, then he realized that it was the same girl at the front of the class. He turned and started to walk over when he saw Tom out of the corner of his eye. He had a smug look on his face. And a smile that says, I got away with something. Then he saw that he was holding Lauren by the wrist.

A Blood Red Sky. Part Seven.

Hi! So, I haven't posted in a while.
I've been updating my A Blood Red Sky story, because I've finally gotten back to it. The chapters are longer, but the spelling is now much better in it and it's easier to read. So, here's the seventh part. Though it won't make much sense if you haven't read the other chapters...
But, enjoy anyways!

Chapter Five

I opened my eyes and coughed. I was on a beach somewhere and I looked around. No Dragons. Stella Ensis lay just a few yards away from me. I crawled over to it and put it back in the bag. I coughed again and looked around. I had no idea where I was. I stood and found I had wet sand and saltwater all over me. I touched my head and realized I wasn't wearing a hat. This made me frown and I stumbled up the beach. Every part of me hurt and I had a long scratch running down my arm where Ladon had scratched me. I fell over and then just laid there for some time.

“Ohmigod. Are you okay?” I heard someone call. I didn't answer. I felt someone there and so I tried to sit up, but I felt like my bones had just turned to lead, so I just laid there.

Someone knelt next to me and said “Should I call a hospital?”

“Dell. Call... Dell.” I mumbled.

“Dell? Who's Dell?” the woman asked. “I-I'm calling 911.” she said. I didn't answer.

Soon enough, I felt people all around me. I couldn't think straight. I wanted Dell. I needed to make sure she was okay.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital. I had been in one so many times, I knew one just by smelling it. I opened my eyes and pulled off the breathing mask on me and sat up. I looked around and said “Okay. Now what?”

I waited for a nurse to come in. I looked at her and said “Where's my bag?”

“What?” she asked.

“I had a bag with me when I came in. Where is it?” I asked. She took it out and handed it to me. I threw the blankets off of me and I stood up, but if the nurse hadn't been there, I would have fallen over right away.

I sat back on the bed and sighed. I opened my bag and looked through it until I came to a healing solution. I drank it and instantly felt better. I waited for the nurse to leave before I pulled on my clothes and walked out quietly. I walked out of the hospital, totally unnoticed. Of course, as soon as I reached the door, Is aw someone shout “There she goes!” and they started to run after me. I bolted down the street and into an ally-way, and they passed me. I looked around and suddenly knew where I was. But the people caught up to me. I kicked and screamed and they took me back to the hospital.

When I calmed down, they said “What's your name?”

“Rebecca Jones.” I answered. “Can I go home now?”

“We have to wait for a legal parent or guardian to come and pick you up.” said the doctor.

“Fine. Can I call that person?” I asked. He handed me a phone and I called Hannah.

“Hello?” Hannah's voice said.

“Hannah! Come and get me. I'm at the hospital.” I said.

“Becca! Oh, my God! Are you alright?” she asked.

“Just surrounded by these crazies called doctors.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Okay, okay, I'll be there in a few minutes.” and she hung up. I put the phone down and refused to speak to the doctors until Is aw Hannah standing in the doorway.

“Are you her mother?” the doctor asked her.

“Sister. Rebecca, what happened? You've been gone for two days!” she said to me.

“Really?” I asked, frowning. “Two days?”

“Yes!” she said. “Dell came in and said that the hurricane had taken you off!”

“Well, then that's what happened.” I said with a sigh. “Can we go home now?”

As it turned out, Hannah had to do some legal stuff before we could go home and when we did, everyone gave me a hug until I finally walked upstairs to Mom's room and slipped in. I laid on the bed next to her and she said “Hello, Rebecca.”

“Hi, Mom.” I said.

“Did you hear the storm the other night?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I said. “Did it scare you?” I asked.

“No. I like storms. Did it scare you?” she asked.

“No. I'm not scared.” I said. She smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and said “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Becca.” she said with a smile. “I love you too.”

Over the next six months, I didn't see any more Dragons. Or fairies for that matter. Dell and I never spoke about it, but I could tell that she hadn't seen anymore Dragons either. In the meantime, Mom was getting sicker and sicker. She had been moved to the hospital.

One day, at school, I was sitting in the back of the classroom, doodling some flowers and stars all over the page.

“Rebecca, are you paying attention?” Mrs. Ryann asked. I looked up and said “Oh. Sorry.” and I sat up. She frowned slightly and then went back to whatever she had been talking about. I looked out the window. It was a clear day with blue skies. Not a cloud in the sky at all.

I suddenly raised my hand. Everyone stared at me.

“Yes, Rebecca?” Mrs. Ryann said.

“May I open a window?” I asked.

“Why?” she asked.

“Well, it's a nice day and it's hot in here.” I said. Everyone muttered in agreement.

“Well... I suppose...” she said. I stood and opened the window and then walked back to my seat. Mrs. Ryann started to talk again and I felt a tug on my sleeve. I looked over and saw Dell passing me a note. I grabbed it and opened it.

Have you seen any Dragons lately?

I looked at her and shook my head ever so slightly. She shrugged and I looked out the window.

The door suddenly opened and I saw Hope standing there. She walked to Mrs. Ryann and whispered something into her ear. Mrs. Ryann glanced at me and I looked at Dell. Hope beckoned to me and I packed my schoolbag and followed her out.

“What's wrong?” I asked. Hope didn't answer. She took me to the principles office and I saw Hannah there.

“Okay, I didn't do anything, so why...?” I trailed off. Hannah's eyes were red and she looked up at me.

I sat down and looked at Principle Gordon. “What did I do?”

He sat down and Hannah said softly “Becca, Mom died this afternoon.”

I looked at her and swallowed. I looked at Hope and then at my principle. I clenched my hands into fists and bit my lip. I hadn't cried in a very, very long time. I squeezed my eyes closed and Hannah placed her hand on my shoulder. I stood and said nothing. Hannah took my hand, but I pulled away. Tears fell without my permission and I pushed them away, but I didn't say anything. I pulled off Stella Ensis's bag and said “I'm done. That's it. I quit.” and I placed the bag in the trash. The bag that I had carried around for a year. I grabbed my schoolbag and walked out of the school and sat on the front steps. I wanted to do something. To... Be something.

Hannah came up and sat next to me. She was holding the bag in her hands and she handed it to me.

“I don't want it.” I said.

“But what about the dragons?” she asked.

“You never believed they existed.” I said in a hollow tone.

“True, but you do.” she said, trying to hand me the bag again.

“No. I don't want it. I quit. From now on, Magistra Sanguis is dead.” I growled. “From now on, I'm just the girl who wears a funny hat every day and gets in trouble.”

“Becca, you're more than just that.” said Hannah. I snorted and she said “It's true! You've been very brave and your teacher tells me that your grades are improving.”

“Hannah, it doesn't matter anymore!” I said. I stood and said “Look, school's going to be out any second. I'm going home.”

“I can drive you.” Hannah offered.

“I want to walk. Alone.” I said and I grabbed my backpack and walked off. I heard the bell ring and I heard Dell shout “Beck!”

I waited for her and she said “What happened?”

I looked at her and whispered “My mom died.” and with that, I started to cry. Dell hugged me and said “I'm so sorry, Becca.”

I didn't say anything. The tears just kept coming and coming and Dell stood there with me, her arms around my shoulders. It took me a moment, but I realized Dell was crying too. And when I was finished, I let go of her and took Stella Ensis's bag out of my backpack and held it out to her.

“I don't care what you do with it, but I never want to see it again.” I said. She looked at it and said “A-are you sure, Beck?”

I nodded and she hesitantly took it. I blinked a few times and looked at the sky. Dell looked up at it too and for a moment, we watched as the sky turned red. We both stared and heard the roar of a Dragon, and then all was silent. But the sky remained red for a bit longer. Then, it slowly turned back to blue.

“What was that?” Dell asked.

When the Mistress of Blood gives up her blade,

Her Sight will vanish and all will fade,

A blood red sky, the blue will turn,

In her heart, the scar will burn,

The Dragon's hope goes on at last,

For there is no changing what has passed.” I said.

“What?” said Dell. I blinked and said “I have no idea, Dell. But I think it's over. I think they're gone. My world of Dragons is gone, Dell. It's time to be normal now. And you know what, I've had enough Dragons and Fairies for the rest of my life.”

Chapter 1 Friends From All Sides

“Do something funny.” Tom smiled and jumped of the side of the mountain.
“Tom!” She ran to edge and looked down. There he was, showing of again. Tom flew in a circle around her.
“I always forget you can do that.”
“Way don't you join me?” Tom said with a smile. She crossed her arms and stomped her foot.
“You know I can't fly!”
“Sorry, forgot you haven't learned yours yet. C'mon, let's head back.” He grabbed her hand and they shot into the sky.
When they got back it was dark. They said goodbye, and went to there dorms. In the morning, Tom met up with Jake and Colin in there dorm.
“Hay! Tom!” Yelled Jake as he ran up to him. “You'll never figure out what happened wall you were on a date with Lauren.”
“It wasn't a date!” Tom yelled.
“Okay, okay. Calm down man. All I wanted to say was, I got it!”
“Really? Wow good for you. Mind me asking what yours is?”
“I got, drumroll please, invisibility.” He vanished. “Cool, huh!” Colin walked over, and put his hand on Jake's shoulder. Jake became visible again.
“He's been bragging all day. You guys are so lucky. I wish I knew mine.” He looked down. Colin and Lauren were now the only ones that didn't have their powers yet. Colin went back to his bed and sat down.
“Oh c'mon buddy. You'll fined it at some point.” Said Jake. “Don't worry, you know you have one. You just don't have a strong one, so it will take a long time before you can get it.”
“Thanks Jake.” Jake smiled.
“Happy to help!”
“Guys!” yelled Tom. “Will you shut up! I mean really, you have to fight?!” Jake looked at Colin.
“We're not fighting, are we?” Colin nodded. Jake laughed.
“Man, you had me fooled. I thought that you were joking with me, sorry.” Colin half smiled. He was never really there.
Lauren was waiting outside for them. She was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed.
“What took you so long? You said that you would come right out. I've been waiting for 30 minutes!”
“Um, Lauren? It's been like 10. Are you alright?” asked Jake.
“No, I counted.”
“That's creepy,” said Tom, and she gave him the stink eye. “What? It is.” she looked away from him and back to her brother Jake.
“Well, I don't think I added 20 minutes. You must have some sort of explanation for this.” Jake nodded.
“Time, it's your power.”
“Somehow I have trouble believing that,” Said Tom, and he slapped himself. “Ow! I didn't do that.”
“I did.” Said Lauren. They all looked at her. “I can move things with my mind. I have had this ability for a month. But I never wanted to tell anyone.”
“But Lauren, you could have been training this hole time! Why'd you wait?” Asked Jake. She shrugged.
“I guess I didn't want to be treated like I need help.”
“But you do.” Said Tom and he slapped himself again.

"One More Night" -- A Niall one shot

Yes this is another One Direction fanfiction. Deal with it.
Click the picture of young Niall crying to listen to the song that does with this story (it opens in a new tab).

Three years.
It’s been three years.
Three years today.
I compare the dates.
Back then: October 12th, 2025.
Now: October 12th, 2028.
I don’t want to face the world.
It hurts too much.
I can’t bear it.

The sun shone through my window, burning my bleach blonde haired head. I could tell by the position of the sun that it was probably past noon. I buried my face under the covers, attempting to escape the long day that awaited me. It had been three years, seven hundred and thirty days, but that didn’t mean that it had gotten any easier.

My bedroom door creaked open and my seven year old daughter, Mollie, tiptoed into my bedroom.

“Daddy?” She questioned, climbing on top of my bed.

“Yes, Mollie?” I replied, my voice cracking as I spoke for the first time today.

“Are you okay?”

I closed my eyes, not trusting myself to speak.

“Yeah.” I said, my voice warbling from beneath the covers as I heard someone else walk into the room.

“Hey, Mollie? Why don’t you go downstairs and see if Mina can make you some breakfast?” My friend Zayn said, referring to the scent of food that was now wafting up from downstairs, presumably coming from his wife, Mina.

“Okay, Uncle Zayn!” Mollie said, cheerfully hopping off my bed and skipping out of the room.

No sooner than Mollie had left the room, when the sheets flew off of my body.

"Get up.” Zayn demanded.

“No.” I grumbled, taking my pillow from underneath my head and sticking it on top of my face in place of my sheets.

“Damnit, Niall! You can’t keep doing this!” said Zayn, raising his voice.

“I have every right to.” I said into my pillow, my closed eyes pressed against the cool cotton.

“It’s been three years, Niall! You have to get over yourself!” said Zayn.

I yanked the pillow off my head and looked at him – his dark brown eyes were worried, while his eyebrows screamed “mad”. He had a three-quarter length shirt on, revealing his many forearm tattoos because of his crossed arms. He towered over me, just like he would even if I was standing up.

“Get over myself?” I asked, my voice shaking. Zayn looked around the room, air flaring out of his angry nostrils.

 “What about Mollie? She misses you.” He said, his voice softened a bit. “She often asks what happened to her Daddy.” He sucked in his breath, as if to think that he had gone too far.
I sat up, staring into Zayn’s brown eyes, which were a deeper color currently.

“You don’t know what it’s like. You have it all so easy. Well guess what? I don’t. Get out.” I said, my voice barely steady as I clenched my fists.

“But Niall-“

“Get out!” I yelled, standing up.

Zayn gave me a sad look before leaving the room, as if to say I tried. I closed the door behind him and slid down it to the carpet.

I sat there in my boxers, staring at the door. I traced patterns in the dark finish of the wood. My hand trembled as I saw the names carved in bottom left corner of the door. I traced the names with my index finger before closing my eyes.

“Niall! Let’s put our names here!”
“You silly goose. Why should we do that? We just moved in!”
“So it can be set in stone- well, wood - that we’ll be forever.”

I quickly opened my eyes and stood up, walking over to my dresser. I pulled out a T-shirt and jeans and pulled them on, trying not to look at the door. I yanked on my Supras and grabbed a hoodie. I took my wallet off the top of the dresser, but not before seeing my reflection in my mirror – I had dark circles under my eyes, and my hair had a mind of its own. With that in mind, I put my wallet in my back pocket and put on my hoodie, covering my bedhead.

I zipped my hoodie up as I ran downstairs. I walked into kitchen to see my daughter eating her breakfast while Mina talked to her and Zayn washed dishes. Mina quickly stood up with wide eyes when I entered the room.

“Niall.” She said, clearing her throat. Zayn looked up from the sink, as did Mollie from her plate.

I stared at them for a bit before saying “I’m going out for a while.”

“Where?” Zayn asked, grabbing a towel to dry a dish.

“Somewhere.” I said, staring at my sneakers.

“Okay, well when will you be ba-“

“I have to go.” I said, turning away and heading towards the door.

“Wait!” A little girl’s voice called and I stopped in my tracks.

“Can I come with you, Daddy?” Mollie tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie.

I swallowed, not wanting to turn around.

“No.” I said firmly, prying her small hands off my sleeve. I turned around to look at her. She stared up at me 
and into my eyes with hers. Her eyes. Just like her mother’s.

“I’ll be back soon.” I said, and I turned to walk out the door, grabbing my messenger bag off its hook on the way out.

Before I did though, I heard Zayn comforting Mollie –

“Why is Daddy leaving?”

“He just needs some time alone, Molls.”

“Why? I love Daddy.”

 “And he loves you. But he loves other people too.”


I weaved through the stones popping up from the ground. Although I had been in a hurry earlier, I was in no rush now. No rush to get there, to feel pain and no rush to leave, to abandon.

 I had now walked this way for three years, so it was impossible for the path to not be embedded in my mind.

I counted the rows. 12, 13, 14…until I reached 15. Row fifteen, column six. I turned left, making my way down the grass. Then I stopped. Column six. I slowly turned to my right. There it was.

I fell to my knees. I looked around for people and when I saw none, I spoke.

“Hi.” I said to the stone.

I brought my legs forward from underneath me so I was sitting with them crossed. I reached behind me for my bag, unzipping the top zipper and bringing out a smaller plastic bag from inside.

“Want some food?” I asked, staring at the writing on the stone in front of me.

Hannah Jane Horan. January 18th, 1994October 12th, 2025.


“…and Mollie can swim now. She learned over the summer.” I finished my long story along with my sandwich.

I bit my lip and studied the marble rock in front of me, as I had for three years.

“She’s taking ballet classes. She’s pretty good,” my voice cracked, “just like you.”

I ran a hand through my hair.

“Zayn says she remembers you.”

My bottom lip trembled. My eyes clouded up.

“He also says that she asks what happened to me.”

There was no stopping the tears now.

“I miss you so much, I miss you sleeping next to me in bed, I miss your warmth, and I miss your voice. If I hadn’t let you go out that night, you would still be here with me. I wish I could turn back time and save you. It hurts knowing you’ll never see Mollie grow up. That you’ll never see her dance like you do. That we’ll never talk again. We’ll never grow old together. I just want you back home, Hannah. I wish I could’ve been the one in that car instead of you. You weren’t supposed to leave me and Mollie. And it’s all my fault because I didn’t stop you. I’m scared, Hannah. I don’t know how I’m going to live without you. I don’t feel complete, and I don’t know what to do. There’s this big hole in my heart that no one can fix and it just hurts-“ I broke off, tears streaming down my face.

I leaned my head into my hands in front of me, gasping for my breath, but my throat was completely closed up. I couldn’t breathe. I felt faint, the pain in my chest overpowering me. The darkness that was now starting to cover the entire graveyard also entered my heart, leaving me empty.

“Help me, Hannah. I can’t do this. Please come back, I need you!” I cried out, in hopes that my words would come to life.
I curled up into a ball on the stiff grass, the wind biting at my tear stained face, and fell asleep hoping she was in my arms when in reality, I was just a hopeless cause with nothing left to hope for.

“I just want one more night.”


The temperature had dropped severely before I woke up, leaving me shivering when I did. I sat up, realizing that it was probably past nine, judging by the darkness surrounding me. I wiped some dirt off that had stuck to my cheek, checking around to see if anyone was present. There was still nobody, just like earlier. No people, questioning my sanity and no workers, ready to call the cops.

I packed up the trash of my earlier lunch into my bag, my breath showing in front of my face as I did. I zipped up my bag, but reached into the side pocket for one last thing.

I carefully laid a single red rose in front of the grave.

“They say that they’re the meaning of true love.” I said, standing up.

I stood there for a moment before leaning forward and kissing the top of the stone gently.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The voice came out of nowhere, but before I could think anything of it, another one spoke. And this one wasn’t as soft.

“Oi! It’s after hours! What d’you fink you’re doin’?” A man yelled in a thick Cockney accent.

I quickly spun around to see a guard coming straight at me. Without thinking twice, I ran down the rest of row fifteen and away from the man. He shouted some profanities at me, but I was out of the area before he could do anything else.

I slowed my pace as I made it to the parking lot. I got in my car and let out my breath. Had that really just happened? What had I just heard? I thought, but I didn’t ponder on it long or else I would break down again. I realized that the guard might or might not still be looking for me, so I put the key in the engine and keeled out of the lot.

I knew what I had to do.


As I pulled into my driveway, I noticed all the lights were off. I could just quietly let myself in and go to bed. I sat in my seat for a second, staring into space, before getting out of the car and heading towards the door.

I inserted my key in the lock and turned it – it quietly clicked, and I let myself in. I hung my bag and hoodie on a rack and tiptoed further into my house. I was ready to go upstairs when my stomach grumbled, reminding me that I had not had dinner yet. I walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat, and instead I found Zayn there, cleaning tonight’s dishes.

When I entered the room, he looked up. His face crumpled up and he put his towel down.

“You idio-“

“Shh!” Mina interrupted, coming out of nowhere and placing one hand on his chest. She motioned upwards, Mollie being the reason for her stopping his yelling.

“I’ll be waiting in the car.” She said, heading outside and closing the door quietly.

“Do you know what time it is?” Zayn whispered loudly.

“Actually…I don’t.” I said, scratching the back of my head.

He crossed his arms and moved aside of my view so I could see the oven clock. I got closer. 10:45. Oops.

“We were all worried sick about you! Where the hell where you?” He said, sitting down on a kitchen stool.

I let out a deep breath. I walked to the counter across from him and leaned against it.

“Here’s what happened.”

I told him about everything that had happened at the graveyard. He raised his eyebrows when I told him what I heard. When I was done, we were both silent for a minute.

Zayn bit his lip then said “So…?”

“So…I think this is a sign.” I replied.

“What?” He crinkled his eyebrows.

“I think she was trying to tell me something. I think she’s trying to tell me to move on. She wouldn’t want me in this condition, and she doesn’t want Mollie to have me like this. So I’m done. I’m gonna make her proud.”

Zayn was quiet for a minute, but then he got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around me.

“Good job, man.” He said.

I smiled for the first time in a while.

 “Thanks, Zayn.”


Shortly after, Zayn left to go home with Mina. I had a snack or two, and then went upstairs to get ready for bed. I passed Mollie’s room then stopped. I walked back and quietly entered her room.

It was dark, but her butterfly nightlight illuminated her face. I knelt down beside her bed and studied her. She was sound asleep, her mouth slightly agape. Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks as she dreamt. Her dishwater blonde hair had fallen down into face, which I gently tucked behind her ear. She looked like an exact copy of her mother. I gazed at her in wonder, thinking of how lucky I was. I then kissed her on the 
forehead, and fell asleep on the carpet.

Three years.
It’s still hard.
But I’ll survive.
For you and Mollie.
I love you, Hannah.

Please let me know what you thought of this! I worked on it for a long time! Thank you for reading!
Myla xxox  

Note: my friend Mollie nearly wet her pants crying and saying "**** you" because she was so emotional because it's her name and Molls is what her mom calls her and yeah. LOVE YOU MOLLIE.

Across The Void (A Doctor Who Fanfiction) Part One

I realize I'm supposed to write on Fridays. But I felt like writing, so there. What're YOU gonna do About it, huh? 
Anyways, this is a Doctor Who fanfic about Ten and Rose's daughter Kacie in 2021. I figured if Myla and Artemis can do fanfics, why can't I?

Kacie Tyler was thirteen years old. Her entire life, her parents had taught her about the universe, all sorts of things most people wouldn't believe. She knew about all of her parents' adventures, and her dad would teach her random things about different aliens whenever he felt like it. She loved hearing stories about the Other Earth, the one where her mum had lived and her dad had been created.

But she was never allowed to help them. Even without a TARDIS, they still kept Earth safe, and Kacie wanted more than anything to go with them. But she always had to stay with Gram and Gramps. She loved her grandparents, but just sitting around doing nothing drove her mad. She was too much like her parents to NOT go on adventures.

But they disagreed. Of course they disagreed. Nobody wants their teenage daughter running about chasing aliens all day. And that's why she snuck into Torchwood late one night while her parents were doing "things" and her Gram and Gramps were asleep, and stole a... she couldn't remember what it was called. But it was a void-transporter-thingy. Her mum had told her about them, and explained that they didn't work anymore. Kacie didn't care. It was going to take her to the Other Earth, where the Doctor-Who-Wasn't-Kacie's-Dad would take her adventuring.

She slipped the chain around her neck, and slammed her hand against the huge yellow button. Nothing happened. Maybe it was like a cellphone, and she didn't have any reception?
She climbed up some boxes, and pushed the button again. She sighed.

Kacie ran outside into the rainy London night, and tried once again. Still nothing.
"RAAGH!" she screamed and threw the button down onto the street. She stomped on the button angrily. There was a flash of blue light.

She was standing on the familiar street corner, and it was still raining. But there weren't any zeppelins in the sky. There were a lot of cars though.
"It worked... OH MY GOD IT WORKED!" She pumped her fist in the air.
She'd done it. Now all she had to do was find the most elusive man in the universe. And maybe get out of the rain.

(Side note: The picture of the girl is Julia Joyce- the actress who played young Rose in the beginning and end of Father's Day)

A Knife in the Dark part 17

A girl with white hair ran through the sky. Her gold eyes shimmered in the light of the setting sun. She stopped for a moment, looking back up at her home in the clouds. She started to cry as she saw the scene. A cloud of smoke covered her home. She ran away from the truth, that it was all her fault.
“Come with me.” said a girl in black. She reached out her hand, but the girl with white hair swatted it away.
“No, you made me like this in the first place!” She tried to run, but the girl in black grabbed her wrist.
“Wether you come with me willingly or not, I will have you.” The girl with wight hair struggled against the grip of the girl in black. She vanished into the air. The girl in black screamed at the sky. She took of her clock to show her green hair, her skin shimmered in the light. She disappeared in mist, leaving nothing but the smell of the ocean behind her.
The girl in black appeared in a dark room with a boy, a shadow, and a ghost.
“Leann,” She bowed to the ghost. “I couldn't hold her down. I-I have failed you.” The ghost said something in with her hands and the boy repeated it.
“She says that you will not get a chance to try again,” He took a shaky breath wall The ghost said more. “You will not live much longer. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.” The boy looked away as the girl in black was killed in front of him.
“How can you do this Luke?.” He nodded as the shadow spoke.
“Thanks, you are nice to me no matter what happens.”
“I wouldn't put your trust in her Luke.” the girl with wight hair stood in the corner with an unconscious boy.
“Sean!” yelled the shadow.
“No! Don't bring him here!” Yelled the boy named Luke. “He is a monster!”
“Him? He is not the monster, he killed it.”
“No!” Yelled Luke. “He has killed all the men in the army of Toro! No one has more power then that boy! All of the elements bow to him! He is Sean, slayer of the ground, sea, sky, and smoke! And you bring him to us?!”
“Yes, he will save the four. He always has been the saver, and nothing you say to him will change that.”
“No! You shall join us in the fight against all that the boy stands for!” Yelled Luke.
“If you think that I will join you, there is something wrong with your bran.” Sean groaned.
“He knows of your little secret. You can keep it much longer.” the girl with wight hair grabbed Leann and disappeared. Luke took a cold glance at Sean. Sean opened his eyes to show a bright blue. There was a scar on Sean's right arm, the mark of the saver. He stood up, and looked at the shadow of a girl and Luke.
“Hello, did I miss much sense the last time I was in this room?” No one said anything. “What? Nothing? You really don't want to see me that much?”
“You aren't welcome here Sean.” said Luke.
“Since when do you know my name?”
“No! I mean really, why do you want me to go so badly?”
“Sean, go.” the voice of the shadow was deep, but Sean knew it somehow. Luke walked out.
“Who are you?”
“My name doesn't matter Saver.”
“When did I become a saver? I have never saved anyone.” The shadow became a girl on the floor. The girl stood up, her long blond hair flowing by her side. She had a gray dress with a slit up the side. A princes of Ice, pale skin, light gray eyes. Annabella was one of the most beautiful girls in all of Sarè. Sean's hart skipped a beat when he saw her.
“Wow, you look nice.” Anna smiled at him.
“Thank you Sean. You're too kind.” She looked into his blue eyes, leaned in and kissed him. He was rad but he held her, and kissed her back. With his heart pounding, he stepped away from her.
“Do you not like me?”
“No, I do. But, I wasn't excepting that.” She hugged him. He felt his heart rate get faster. He knew that she was a princes and he was just some guy, but he didn't care. He looked at her gray eyes, that was all he could do. She was so beautiful and he was no one. She kissed him again. With no thought, he kissed her back. She took his hand.
“Nothing can take us away from each other.” Annabella said. She ran her hand up his arm. She felt his scar, and looked into his eyes.
“How did you get this?”
“I was born with it, why?”
“Nothing.” A chill went through Sean's body. Then it was filled with the warmth of a kiss. A feeling that this was a bad idea flowed through his mind. But he didn't want to hear it. Her skin was soft, her cold lips gave him the chills but she held him tight so he didn't mind. Maybe she was right, nothing could keep them from each other. She made him not want to move away from her. But that didn't stop her. She looked away from him.
“What's wrong?”
“Nothing, it's just. You're the best person I know Sean. But you can't be with me.”
“Ouch, just like that. You can't be with me. Well, that would have been nice to know before you kissed me.”
“I'm sorry Sean, I do like you. Against every part of my body, my hart belongs to you.” he hugged her.
“It's okay Anna. I understand.”
“You have a hard life in front of you Sean, but I can't be part of it.”
“I know. I wish that I could be with you, but I know that you can't be with me.” she smiled.
“I am glad you understand.” She kissed his cheek. With that, she faded into a shadow.
“Oh, and don't let Luke get away.” The shadow vanished leaving Sean alone in a dark room. Luke walked back in with a sword.
“Hello again Sean. Care for a fight?”
“I rather not, but knowing you that means get over here and let me kill you. Well, I have just gotten my hart ripped out by my crush, so that would be a yes. I would love to fight you just so I can get you out of my head.” Sean walked up to him and grabbed his sword. He stepped back, and pointed the tip of his sword to Luke's neck. Luke smiled, and hit his sword to Sean's.
“Do you know who I am yet?” Asked Luke.
“Luke, 329. 7th legion. Trader to the world. Yes, I know who you are.” Sean hit his sword with such power Luke dropped it. Sean pushed the flat of his blade to Luke's chest.
“I don't want break another hart today. You are possibly the worst dream I ever have, but I can't bring myself to kill you.” Luke stood there in shock as Sean dropped his sword. It crashed to the ground and the blade shattered on impact.
“Cheating are we?”
“No, you through it down quickly. That was your fault.”
“Don't be crazy Luke, I can't shatter metal.”
“You can't, the Saver can.”
“What is the Saver! And why do people think that I am this Saver person!”
“That mark on your arm, the mark of the Saver.” Sean laughed at him.
“It's just a scar, not some big mark of the Saver thing you make it out it be.” he laughed some more. Luke looked insulted by his laughter.
“This is not a laughing maker Sean! You could kill anyone! You, Sean 506, are the threat, not me.” Sean stopped laughing.
“You never say that someone is better then you. Not even being a threat, you always make yourself sound better then me. You're not kidding are you? You really think that I'm some Saver guy.” Luke nodded.
“Finally noticing that 506?”
“Yeah, but how am I the Saver? I have never saved anyone?”
“You don't have to.”
“Really? That's the best you could come up with?”
“I didn't make it! My sister did!”
“Who's that?” he puffed up his cheat a little.
“Leann, queen of the contest.”
“You heard me, Leann.”
“No, I mean you killed her, and she let's you help her?”
“Yeah, she's proud of me for that.” Sean stood there with nothing to say. There was a cold wind and Leann stood holding Annabella by her neck.
“Leann.” Luke bowed to his sister.
“Anna! Let her go Leann!”
“She says no.” said Luke.
“Well then tell her I will kill her if she doesn't!” Sean tensed up, he wouldn't let her kill his friend. Luke repeated it to Leann, and she through Annabella to the ground.
“She says to try, Sean this isn't wise. She will kill you.”
“I don't care. She can't hurt Anna.”
“You really like her don't you? If you will die so she can live one more day, you would save her.”
“I would. You haven't really met me if you think for even a second that I would die to save her.” Luke shrugged. Leann looked at Sean, and she flickered. She lunged on him. He stepped out of the way. Just as she past, the air got colder. He paused, the chill made him think of Anna. He got mad. He grabbed part of his shattered blade. His mind raced. No one would stand in his way. He stepped foreword. The broken blade hurt in his clenched fist. He screamed as struck the broken blade into the ghost's back. Leann melted into the ground. Luke looked at him in shock. Sean ran over to Annabella.
“Anna! Are you okay?” she didn't say anything. He held his bleeding hand under her head.
“Anna, please.” He started to cry. She took a shaky breath. Her eyes fluttered open.
“Sean?” he nodded.
“I will never let you go Anna. Nothing can take me away from you.”
“Sean, I am so sorry. I won't ever leave you again.” He smiled down at her.
“I won't let you if you try. No matter what, I will stay with you.” She managed a smile. Luke picked up the shattered blade Sean had used up kill his sister.
“Iron, of corse.” He said to himself. “The only thing that can kill a ghost.” He put it down, and looked over to Sean and Annabella. He walked over and sat next to them. They both ignored Luke. He tried to help Anna, but she didn't let him.
“I only want to help.”
“Is that what you said to your sister Luke?” Said Sean.
“That was six years ago! You think I would hurt her?”
“Yes, you are a killer! I'm not going to let you even try to help her!” Luke walked back to the corner and sat down on the cold ground. Annabella whispered something to Sean, and all the color in his face disappeared. He looked down at his bleeding hand. His blood wasn't red, it was black.
“What? This can't be right.”
“No, that's right. Your blood has always been black.” He looked at his bleeding hand a little longer, then he saw that his cut wasn't as deep as it had been a moment ago.
“What's happening to me?”
“You're figuring it out. Come on Sean, think.”
“You are the Saver,” added Luke. “You're not normal.”
“Thanks Luke, but I wasn't asking you.” Luke shrugged.
“Sean, remember when your left arm was cut. Well how long did it take for it to heal?”
“Three days, max. Why?”
“A cut like that should take a month, at least.”
“Are you saying that I can heal faster than anyone else?” she nodded.
“You are possibly the most powerful person ever. You took the power that your sister would have had, that's why she doesn't have any.”
“Lucky.” muttered Luke.
“So you're saying I am this Saver person? And I can heal fast and brake metal?”
“Yeah, you're pretty amazing.” Sean blushed a little.
“Thanks, but if that's true that means that I am not just some guy. And you knew this. So why couldn't you be with me?”
“Because, you weren't you. You weren't that nice boy that couldn't say anything wall looking at me. You weren't the shy Sean I fell in love with.” She kissed him.
“I thought you didn't like it when I was to shy to look at you?”
“No, it's the most adorable thing ever. You would make me feel like I mattered.”
“You do.”
“Do you know how happy I am when you hold me?” She turned bright red.
“I bet you are going to tell me now right?” he laughed.
“Yes. You make me feel like no one when you hug me, you make me want to stay when you kiss me, and when you look at me with your shinning eyes, I feel like I want to disappear into them.” She blushed even more.
“Well, when you tell me that you will never go, no words can explain how I feel.” He smiled, and took her hand.
“I will never go.” She laughed, and squeezed his hand.
“As much as I like looking at you two being all lovey dovey, I would like to leave more.”
“Luke, why are you always so depressed?” asked Annabella. Luke shrugged.
“Don't know. I think it might have something to do with my past.” He looked down, his past was a sensitive subject for him. He had been a slave until he was five, then when he was 11 he went to the contest like every boy at that age. Then he had killed his sister in rage. And then his sister became the most hated person in the world, The Queen of the Contest as they call her, hurt him over and over again. Then Sean showed up, this untouched boy with the power to kill his sister.
“Sorry, I shouldn't think about that.”
“I have watched your life, and it is a sad story. So let's not talk about that shall we?” Said Sean trying to be up beat. Annabella looked at him like he was crazy. Luke looked up at Sean.
“So if you really are the saver, save me from the dark in my mind.”
“What dark? Your head is fine?” Luke smiled.
“How did you know that?” Sean shrugged.
“Your face, your right eye brow twitched 0.003 centimeters.”
“I don't know, but it's true.” Annabella examined his eyes.
“Are you okay Sean?”
“Yeah, I'm fine.”
“No, you're not. Luke, what happens if someone would kill a ghost?”
“Well, they might understand every ghost they find.” He said.
“And the negative?”
“They can sometimes get the ability to see extremely well.” He added. “But that's not bad unless they have some sort of problem with it somehow.”
“Luke, I think Sean might have that ability. And I don't know how I feel about that.”
”It's not like I have supper powers, is it?” Luke nodded.
“You are superhuman Sean.” Said Luke.
“Sean, relax. You'll be fine.” Said Annabella.
“Don't lie to me.” Luke flinched at what Sean had said.
“Sean, don't do this. I know how you fell, but if you do this, I can't help you. Let it go, she trying to help you.” Luke knew what was about to happen, he has done it.
“Don't lie to me! Luke, you don't know anything about me. If you think that you know me why do your eyes say that I might be the saver but you can take me down if you wanted to.” Annabella looked at Luke, then back to Sean her eyes full of tears.
“Sean calm down. This isn't you.”
“And how do you know that Annabella? Can you read my mind? No? Well then how would you know that Princess Annabella?”