on a star
For you to be mine forever
I wished for us
to be happy
In fields of dragonflies
and magic
Time would stand still
The world would be ours
When we kissed
We would be one
And the world would dissolve
Into oblivion
But it wouldn't matter
It would be our supernova
Chaos in its purest form
Love deep and guttural
Perfection in a single embrace
We were naught but consciousness
Drifting together through the cosmos
Not caring about the consequences
The only sounds we would know
Are the echos of the Universe
And the whisper call of your name
Throughout the galaxies
Sophie Grace
Sophie Grace
Sophie Grace
As our falling star traced its way
Past the bright full moon
I saw that it was not a star
But an aeroplane
Carrying you far away from me
But still I cry out
Sophie Grace!
Sophie Grace!
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